Ways to Help
1. Donate

Help us fund more staff for the CPO office
As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, the Child Protection Office relies on the contributions of individuals such as you to ensure we can retain qualified personnel committed to consistently providing the services that prevent and stop child abuse.
Together, we can create a safer society for the most precious and vulnerable members – Krishna’s children.
Monthly Donor Goal
Our fundraising goal is 500 monthly donations of $25. This will allow us to bring essential staff members on board: an Office Manager, a Response Coordinator, and a Victim Support Coordinator.
Setting Up a Trust
We would like the Child Protection Office to be self-sustaining in the future. Setting up a trust to fund staff in perpetuity is also our goal.
2. Take Action

- Volunteer for the CPO! Contact us to learn how you can volunteer.
- Arrange an educational workshop for your community
- Set the Child Protection Office as your birthday fundraiser on Facebook.
- Set up matching funds from your employer.
- Organize a fundraiser.
- Make an in-kind contribution.
- Sponsor a CPO program.
Spread the Word
- Share CPO newsletters and social media posts.
Spiritual Actions
- Offer prayers to the Lord for the protection of children.
- Dedicate a kirtan, fire yajna, aroti, or bhoga offering for child protection.

Get Educated on Child Protection
- Further your understanding of the issues with programs to educate adults on child personal safety.
Use Your Voice in Your Community
- Insist management never sponsors programs that include those with a history of child abuse.
- Make sure your local management upholds CPO case decisions.
- Ask your local management to highlight child protection through classes and other events.
- Point out the importance of child protection in relevant classes—the scripture is filled with references.
- Encourage more open conversations about child protection education and awareness with those around you.
- Volunteer to help develop policies that enhance child protection locally and/or globally.
Protect Your Children
- At the temple and other programs, make sure your children are always with a trusted adult. Encourage your peers to do the same.
- Educate your children on personal safety and well-being.
- Know who your children are associating with.
Support Victims of Child Abuse
- Believe someone if they tell you they have been abused.
- Report any concerns that you have about child abuse or neglect.
- Advocate for victims of abuse.
- Insist on zero tolerance of child abuse.
- Learn the art of listening and lend your ear to a survivor.
- Help an offender get what they need to be safe for others.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.5 Purport