You make a difference.
Everyone can make a difference in the life of a child. Help support safe communities for happy children.
Protecting children in North America
We prevent and stop child abuse by empowering individuals through education, responding to concerns of child maltreatment in the US and Canada, and helping management implement ISKCON child protection policies. We support Child Protection Volunteers in service to their local community as well as the work of the International CPO.
Please help us meet our goals.
Donations to the Child Protection Office enable us to do the vital work involved in preventing and responding to child abuse. Recurring donations allow us to budget and plan ahead. To learn more details about about each donation goal, please visit our Donate page.
Every contribution helps, please give what you can.
Take Action in Child Protection

Protecting children is Vaisnava seva. Learning more about how child maltreatment manifests helps us identify and stop abuse. Understanding the effects of child abuse helps rectification take place. Education empowers our communities to create safe spaces where abuse can’t occur. We have collected many resources for education and support.

Ways to Help
How often can you help? Once a year? Once a week? Everyday? Your participation makes a difference in creating a culture that values children and prioritizes their well-being. Protecting children enables our society to thrive. Consider the multitude of ways that you can help, some of them as easy as a social sharing or writing a message.

Often a child’s only hope for a better tomorrow is when a report is made on his/her behalf by a concerned person. It is every adult’s responsibility to report concerns of child abuse or neglect. When you see something, say something to people who can help. Is it child abuse or not? Learn more about identifying the different types of abuse.
With Gratitude to our current donors
We extend tremendous gratitude to those of you supporting these services that prevent and stop child abuse. Your contribution is actively making a direct difference in the lives of children. Donors this year are:
Amrta Hari das
Ashley & Abhay Khurana dd
Atula Govinda das
Audarya-lila dd
Balarama Bosch
Balarama dasa Pyeatt
Bethel Laborde
Bhakti Yoga Society of Delaware
Bhanumati dd
Brajarani dd
Caturatma das & Pashupati dd
Chaitanya Mangala das
Charly B. Regueira
Chitralekha dd Pekala
Damodar Priya dd
Devala Rsi das & Sri Pati dd
Devaprastha das & Padmamalini dd
Dhruva Maharaj das
Gajendra das
Gaurangi Silvers
Gilbert Ramos
Gopalasyapriya dd
Gopal Krishna Das
Gopi Kumari & Vraja Gopal
Hansarupa das
Ijya das
ISKCON Convention of Temples
ISKCON of Colorado
ISKCON of Philadelphia
Jagannatha Kirtan das
Jagarini dd & Akruranatha das
Jai Singhal
Jambavati dd
Janaki dd
Jitari d & Rangavati dd
Jiva Goswami das
Jhulana Yatra
Kalakantha das & Jitamitra dasi
Kandarpa Manjari dd & Krishna Kirtan das
Kirtida dd Halvorson
Krsna Kata dd
Madhavendra Puri
Mahatma das
Mahendrani dd
Nel Maidens
Nila & Jahnava Khurana
Nityananda Chandra Granger
Prabhu Kripa das (PK)
Prasanna Ceta das
Purusottama-ksetra das McNay
Rama Kisora das
Ramai das & Radha dd
Rasa dd & Saranga Thakur das
Rtadhvaja Swami
Saraswati Richardson Jones
Satya Leclerc
Shyam Kishor das & Rasamrita dd Mody
Sri Gaurangi dd & Prem Sankirtan das Banik
Susan Kulmacz
Swami B.A. Ashrama
Syama Mohini dd
Tamohara das & Mantrini dd
Tulasi & Purusartha Sadkin
Tulasi Rani dd
Vaikunthadeva das
Vegavati dd
Visvambhara Aguilera
Vladimir Sklyarevsky
Vrindavani Briant
Vrnda dd
Vrndavana Vinodini dd

Right In Your Own Home – Cyber Safety for Youth
Keeping children safe requires adult supervision and guidance throughout a child's development in all areas of life, including school, recreation, home and within spiritual community. We tend to...

Child Abuse is Preventable
Many factors that can increase a person’s risk for abusing a child include: Socioeconomic stress from financial issues, unemployment, or medical problems Lack of parenting skills to help cope with...

Domestic Abuse Hurts Everyone
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the U.S. An ideal time to learn more about the prevalence of domestic abuse and to share information with others. ISKCON’s North American Governing...
“I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your ongoing efforts to support so many people in ISKCON! Your work is so important for children, families and the entire society.”
“I’m deeply inspired to read this newsletter of the Child Protection Office of ISKCON North America, and I appreciate very much the excellent service you’re doing for Srila Prabhupada’s movement.”
“At ISV we are immensely grateful to the devotees who run the Child Protection Office (CPO) of North America. They not only educate us in how to protect our youth, but they also set parameters for us to follow, so that we may maintain vigilance in protecting the children throughout their lives and in all parts of our community. We laud the painstaking work of the CPO and pray for their ever-increasing success in this most valuable service.”