Our Blog

Right In Your Own Home – Cyber Safety for Youth
Keeping children safe requires adult supervision and guidance throughout a child's development in all areas of life, including school, recreation, home and within spiritual community. We tend to...

Child Abuse is Preventable
Many factors that can increase a person’s risk for abusing a child include: Socioeconomic stress from financial issues, unemployment, or medical problems Lack of parenting skills to help cope with...

Domestic Abuse Hurts Everyone
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the U.S. An ideal time to learn more about the prevalence of domestic abuse and to share information with others. ISKCON’s North American Governing...

Exponential Injury
When a child is abused or neglected by someone they care about or rely on for their own care, the effects of that harm are generally not isolated to the incident. Being harmed by someone you trust...

Burnt Ladhu – 20 Years and Still So Relevant
If you’ve never seen it, now’s the time. It’s the 20th anniversary of Burnt Ladhu, a production by Vaisnava youth creatively and courageously sharing their experiences growing up in ISKCON. On...

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month
This month the Child Protection Office has been sharing abuse prevention and response resources via newsletters, articles and daily Facebook postings. This is a time to feel encouraged to share...

To Report or Not to Report, That is the Question
When you've seen someone treating a child in a harmful way did you wonder what to do? Have you heard that a child was abused and wondered what you should do? Did you think that it was someone else's...